Little Teddy Bear 泰极熊来咯

Ingredients/Tools : Straw, toothpick, Modelling tool(Mini Ball), Brush, Water, Brown color gum paste (Rolled into several sizes of balls for the head, body, hand, leg, ear, mouth and tail)

Roll the biggest ball into a egg or cone shape. Flatten the bottom to make it stay/sit(Body).

Roll the 'leg' ball into a bone shape, slightly flatten just one side of the leg(Feet). Press the opposite side of the leg(Thigh) by using your fingertips.(As shown in above picture)

Paint the 'thigh' with water and place the 'body' on it. Use the Mini ball modelling tool to cup the navel.

Roll the 'hand' ball into bone shape. Flatten one side (Palm). Cut the opposite side(arm) slanted.(As shown in picture). Paint the arm with water and position it on the body. Use the cotton wool to hold on the hand and let dry.

Coat the end of a toothpick with shortening, insert into the body.

Attach the head, ear and mouth.
For the ear, roll the 'ear' ball into a tear drop shape, paint the bottom of ear with water and position it on the head. Use the Mini ball modelling tool to cup the ear.
For the mouth, just press/ flatten the 'mouth' ball and position it. Use the straw to draw/cup the mouth 'Y' shape.

Use the white gum paste as the paws and nose of the teddy bear. Lastly, use the edible black marker to draw the eyes of the bear.

Done. You can decorate the teddy bear by adding some flowers or quilted carpet.(As shown in picture). Ready to put on the cupcake as the cupcake topper.

* Gumpaste Teddy Bear *


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